sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Hello again! Today I’m going to introduce you to an amazing website of resources, for me one of the best and the one that I use most for the English classes I am doing at the moment.

That website is Twinkl an English website where you can find lots of activities, games and resource packs for almost everything you can think about when you are teaching English. It’s based on the English curriculum so you can find it divided into the English stages.

The only bad thing about it is that if you want to download everything you find there you have to pay but, in my opinion, it is worthy. 

Obviously, as I have said for me Twinkl is in the first place but I want to introduce you also to another interesting website, Tools for educators. In this webpage you don’t have all the resources done like in Twinkl but you have a lot of templates to design it by yourself.

I found it interesting because you can create lots of sheets like, reading worksheets, printable games or hand-outs. You have it without anything and then you can put the vocabulary you want to use and the website gives you the image also for this words. 

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